I love what I do.
I enjoy assisting you and your loved ones working through pains to a deeply connected, authentic, and satisfying life for yourself and with each other. I am equipped to help you with a wide range of struggles including emotional turmoil, traditional or non traditional relationship issues, sexual difficulties, and self esteem issues. I believe we have the strength within ourselves to heal, and I strive to help you and you significant other get into contact with that innate resiliency for a more nourishing life. I do so in a collaborative way, with cultural sensitivity, and sharp wit.
I pay attention to creating a safe space. Simultaneously, I attend to your feelings with compassion and trustworthiness. Using my specialty in attachment theory, mindfulness and neuroscience, I facilitate mutual emotional attentiveness within you and your loved one, while engaging myself to reflect, be with, and gently challenge you towards exploration and transformation.
I help by: 1.Coaching you to slow down and sit with yourself. 2.Showing you how to validate and accept yourself. 3. Helping you connect with you loved ones in a heartfelt way. 4.Supporting you to re-discover your values and beliefs, to shift from defensiveness to openness and authenticity.
My rate is $240/50 mins session and $360/75mins session
我热爱我所从事的工作。 我享受协助您,或您和您所爱的人穿行过苦痛, 获得与自己和他人的更真实,更深切,更心满意足的连结。 我相信我们拥有存在于自我的,通向疗愈的力量。 我将帮助你(们), 一同寻找,连接,并且踏入这与生俱来的复原力,去拥有更加充盈的人生。 毕业于全美顶尖家庭婚姻咨询项目(西北大学), 我拥有治疗一系列情绪与精神健康方面问题的专业背景,其中包括,抑郁,焦虑,婚姻咨询,原生家庭问题, 人生节点转换,以及 自我关爱与接纳。 另外,自身的十年海外求学的经验让我可以深刻体会文化适应、身份认同等议题的错综复杂。如果您目前在被这些问题困扰,我愿与您一起用智慧的,幽默的,以及关爱的方式去探索 理解与接纳。
在这段咨询关系里,我会为你构建一个安全,舒适的空间。 同时,面对您的情绪与感受,我会用真诚与共感回应。 去倾听, 去理解, 去陪伴。 通过我对依恋关系,正念疗法以及神经科学的专业背景, 我会促进您对自己,和对您的家人的相互情绪协调。 协助您更好的体会,认识,与接纳 自己或家人的情绪 从而获得疗愈与自由。 同时在咨询过程中,我也会用我自己去帮助您反馈, 深思, 以及温柔的邀请你去探索不同部分的自己来达到自我身体、心智、灵性的整体连接。
具体来说我会以如下方式帮助您: 1. 协助您慢下来,并且学习如何与自己相处。2.教会您如何认可与接受自我 3教会您与您所爱的人用一种可以用心感受到的方式连接。 4协助您重新发现您的价值观和信念, 去从一直的戒备状态转换成真实与开放的状态, 更加自在的做自己。